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‘Together We Strive For Excellence’

Year 6

Year 6 Team -  Miss Evans, Mrs Pickering, Mrs Steventon and Miss Meredith

Year 6 2024

This Half Term

At the beginning of Year 6, children will begin learning about WWII. Children's learning is supported by our key text 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' by John Boyne, which will inspire their writing throughout the Autumn term as well as support their learning in RAID lessons. Children will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of WWII in History lessons when they explore the effects of the Second World War on citizens both nationally and internationally. Children start the unit by exploring how the end of WWI influenced the start of WWII. They investigate key events in WWII and the countries involved, study wartime propaganda and discuss the reasoning for and influence of bias and censorship in wartime Britain and investigate the causes and impact of the Holocaust. 

Reading for pleasure texts:






Light, Electricity and Living Things


Drawing: Redesigning the school building to look like one of Gaudi's buildings, inspired by natural forms.

Painting: During this theme, the children will be looking at the work of Chris Ofili and learning about the concept behind it. Children will select an idea or issue that is interesting to them and develop a piece of conceptual work that represents those ideas.


Autumn 1: Exploring Key Leaders – Sikhs and Hindus.

This unit will begin by looking what the children believe to be key leader and the profile of what a person a key leader. It will then compare the two key leaders of the Sikh and Hindu faith. Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the founding Guru of the Sikh faith and Mahatma Ghandi a key leader of the Hindu faith.

Autumn 2: What can we learn from religions about temptation?

This unit enables pupils to engage thoughtfully with questions of good and evil, right and wrong through thinking about temptation. Pupils will become familiar with stories of temptation and ritual practice from Islam and Christianity, and will be enabled to think for themselves about questions to do with morals, choices and the impact of our behaviour on others.

Cricket and Rounders

Weather and Who am I?

Jigsaw (PSHE)
Being me in my world and Celebrating difference

Design and Technology
Mechanisms— Fairgrounds.


World Wide Web—selecting search results, ranking of results, how searches are influenced and communicating responsibly.

Autumn 1: Hey, Mr Miller
Autumn 2: 'Shadows' and 'Composing for Protest!'


Previous Learning


Recommended Reading List

End Of Term - Get Me Out Of Here - 2023