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‘Together We Strive For Excellence’

Year 2

Year 2 Team - Mrs Purcell, Mrs Corbett, Mrs Day, Miss Gilbody, Miss Townsend, Mrs Townsend, Mr County and Mrs Dean

Year 2 Timetable - Spring 1

Curriculum Map - 2023-2024

This Half Term:



In RAID and English this term Year 2 will embark on a reading journey through their very first chapter book!!

We meet a beautiful baby barn owl called Plop who is perfect in almost every way, except for just one thing.... Plop is afraid of the dark! As we read each chapter Plop will meet a new friend. Someone that will try to help him with his fear. Will any of his friends be able to help him or will Plop always be afraid of the dark? We can't wait to find out!!



Our Maths focus for Spring term 1 is Shape, both 2D and 3D.

We will begin by recognising the shapes and then begin to find out how many sides, faces and vertices they have. An exploration of shape will begin as we look for new shapes in our classrooms and around school.

Our next step will be to begin to draw 2D shapes and to look at shapes and their nets.




During RAID this half term we will be looking at our English text, 'The owl who was afraid of the dark', exploring the text using our dog domains, Vocabulary Victor, Sequencing Suki, Rex Retriever, Predicting Pip, Inference Iggy, Fluency Fred and Expression Eric. Our dog domains will allow us to delve into the text a little further and enable us to open up the text to look at it in more depth.



In Science we are delving into growing, healthy eating and hygiene.

Looking at animals and their offspring.

How humans and animals grow and change.

Looking at basic needs of living things and what they need to survive.

How to stay fit and healthy and the importance of this.

Follwing a balanced diet.

Key Vocabulary: offspring, adult, mammals, fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles, growing, changing, healthy, exercise, balanced diet.



Geography - In geography this half term we will be looking into our local area of Willenhall and will be identifying human and physical features and learning how to identify these. Children will look at directional work and complete navigating tasks using directional language and a compass.



Jigsaw - This half term we will be looking at: Dreams and goals.

Our learning strengths and what we should do if we're stuck and unsure.

We will look at how we learn with others and how we can support each other with our learning.

We will also be creating our very own garden of dreams, using our imagination and all things that we like and enjoy to create our very own space. A garden that you could only dream of that is individual to you.





In Art we are looking at the skill of 'collage'. Taking inspiration from Paul Klee. Famous for the 'castle and sun' picture, 1928. Children will explore collage with a variety of materials and will learn to cut, tear, strip items and create a variety of pictures using this method.



In PE this half term we will be learning about gymnastics. Looking at a variety of balances, stretches, poses and rolls.


Previous Learning


Class texts that we have enjoyed so far in Year 2 have been:




The text that we are reading as a class for pleasure is:














Recommended Reading List