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‘Together We Strive For Excellence’

Year 5


Year 5 Team - Miss Harvey (5Ha), Mrs Hoccom (5Ho), Mrs Clifft and Mrs Schofield

This Half Term


Our key text we will be focusing on is 'Kensuke's Kingdom' by Michael Murpurgo.

This is providing the base for learning across a few of our subjects. It will be inspiring our writing within our English lessons, we shall also be picking the text apart in our Reading sessions and discussing the different comprehension components as well as why the author has chosen to write the text in the way he has and the impact that it has on the story.


This term we will be looking at Brazil and some of the key landmarks with in Rio de Janiero. The children will be looking in the favelas and how they exist whilst also comparing the rainforest to this. They will be looking at the human activity and the impact that it has. 


We will be covering forces during this half term. Learning about the different types of forces that play a part in everyday life and looking at some key people such as Isaac Newton. 


During the term we will be developing our drawing skills.


Over the term we will be looking at developing their hockey skills which will be taught by Mr Dovey.


French (MFL)
Miss Noakes will be teaching us our numbers, days of the week, months and clothes. 


Jigsaw (PSHE) 
Children will be learning about the topic 'Me in my world' and celebrating our differences.


Design and Technology 
During this term we will be creating a night light using our previous knowledge from Year 4 on circuits to ensure that they light up. .


Over the term we will look at two aspects of Computing - Digital Literacy (Online Safety) and Computer Science. We will be once again looking at our acceptable use policies and the SMART rules that we need to follow to become a good digital citizen. During our Information technology learning we will be looking at spreadsheets and how they can be used to store and sort data. 



Previous Learning


Recommended Reading List

Year 5 Gallery