Year 1
Year 1 Team
Miss Smith, Miss Whitehouse & Mrs Ward
Curriculum Map
Spring Term
In Spring we will be reading Tidy and Jack and the Beanstalk.
In Maths we will be continuing our number journey by looking at numbers to 20. We will be learning number bonds to 20, ways to make 20, tens and ones, addition and subtraction within 20. We will continue to look at 2D and 3D shapes and will begin to look at measurements.
In English we will be continuing to practice writing sentence including all of the features of a super sentence! We will be putting these sentences together to retell the story of Tidy as the half term progresses.
In Science we will be looking at the different animal groups and comparing their features.
In Geography we will be learning about our local area looking at the human and physical features.
In History we will be learning about the history of Willenhall. We will be learning about the Hodson family, the history of locks and Victorian homes.
In art we are going to be exploring painting techniques. This including looking at warm and cool colours as well as colour mixing!
In Computing we will beginning to log into the computer using our login details. We will learn the importance of passwords and keeping our personal information off the internet.